1. Cook rice as you usually do.
2. When it's just about done, put the lid on and turn the heat down really low (i.e. turn the dial past "off" all the down to "high")
3. Go to your computer and log in to FB to check all those status updates while you wait for the dinner to finish off.
4. When you smell smoke, rush back to the kitchen. The rice should be nicely blackened at the bottom, and crispy at the top. If it's black all the way through, order pizza instead.
5. Scrape the crispy (not blackened) rice into a sieve or small-holed colander and rinse thoroughly.
6. Put the rice into a clean container, sprinkle with half a cup of sugar and let it rest for 5 minutes.
7. Rinse again and drain the rice, taking care to spill some of the rice into the sink.
8. Put rice into a microwave-safe container.
9. Slice a lemon into 8ths, add to rice. Season well with Lemon and black pepper seasoning, and dot with butter.
10. If the rice is a bit too dry, add a bit of boiling water.
11. Pop into the microwave and heat through.
12. Serve with overcooked meat & veg of your choice.
13. Leave your other half to pack the dishwasher, and get back to FB as soon as you can, preferably with a glass of wine in hand :-)