Friday, September 4, 2009

Growing up is optional :-p

It's finally happening - my 40th birthday.

I didn't want a party this year, as I'm currently into the whole "save the earth" thing and I didn't want to waste any resources.
When our local primary school announced that they were celebrating their 60th birthday on the 5th - MY birthday - I saw an opportunity ...
I could have my cake (or rather, Northlands Primary's Cake) and eat it too!
So I can say i'm going big for my 40th birthday ... starting with a colourful, flag-waving, float-leading walk through the Durban North streets, and finishing with loads of food and fun activities at the school!
I'm even going to try out the "Zorb" ball, overgrown hamster that I am :-)

So if you're in the area, wave us on when we pass ... and perhaps drop in to do some bargain shopping at our fete.
It's gonna be a great day!